oct 2024 and process

It is 2024 and I am doing some classes. I like saying "taking some classes" instead of re-enrolling in college cause it makes me feel like a grown up. I want other grown ups want me to think I am a grown up. Learning a lot and it is generally a good thing even though it makes me feel sort of strange to be around people my age or younger again. I got used to being around 24 to 30 year olds. These things don't matter but the difference isn't z e r o!

also for some reason have felt sort of compelled to make so many little songs and some little music video things to go with a few. These are all demos and could be cleaned up but to dedicate time to cleaning up a random thing right now when I have so much work in my hard drive to finish feels so incorrect...

I was horribly sick, maybe I could talk about that at greater length... Right Now I Just Want To Show You These Videos And Mayb Later We Can Talk About My Life Like More.

this one is titled jerk jerk jerk jerk

this one is titled I'm Lucky to Have American Lovers
