Intital Studies in Sculpture

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While I was an artist in residence at the Griffis Sculpture Park in East Otto New York, while I was focused mostly on my sound art and composition practice, I dedicated some time each morning to developing a practice in sculpture. In a park with so many beautiful statues and sculptures I felt a need to respond in their language.s.

All of these are made by coloring a piece of paper with either colored pencils, crayon, or paint, and then dipping them in water or coffee to break them apart and then allow me to wrap them around a rock or other object. After wrapped wet I'd let them dry and call it done. These were proofs of concepts and I intend to try and work on this idea with bigger objects or large collections of smaller objects. Furthermore I intend on integrating them with my sound art practice via transducer attached to objects subjected to this process.

Not all of these objects I am sharing are what I would call a success but more what I would call learning opportunities. Fetal attempts at something larger.

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Below: Toy figure of Sonic The Hedgehog wrapped with wet paper set to dry

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Below: collaboration with Mae Shapiro

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